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Certification Information

인증정보 이미지

ISO 21001:2018 Educational Organizations Management System


COMMENT 0 VIEW 5,419TIME DATE 21-07-26 13:15


ISO 21001:2018 Educational Organizations Management System

[ Certification Information ]

As interest in quality of education increases, ISO 21001:2018 has been developed through international consensus to provide the educational services that learners expect. This International Standard specifies the Educational Organizations Management System (EOMS) requirements and aims to provide educational services to satisfy learners and other beneficiaries.

The education organizations management system is applicable to all educational institutions, including schools and academies, special educational institutions and remote educational institutions, and can be integrated with other management systems based on the HLS (High-Level Structure), a common international standard.

ISO 21001:2018 does not apply to organizations that produce or manufacture educational products, and organizations should aim to increase learners, clients and staff satisfaction by effectively applying EOMS, including system improvement processes.

ISO 21001 Certification Scope<ISO 21001 Certification Scope>

[ ISO 21001:2018 Certification Scope ]

It is divided according to the legal system and education organizations related to characteristic of education

Education Scope
Preschooler Education Educational organizations based on the Early Childhood Education Act.
ex) Kindergarten, daycare center, etc.
Primary and Secondary Education Educational organizations based on the primary and secondary education laws
ex) Elementary school, civil school, high school, Middle and high schools, high technology schools, special schools
Post-secondary education Educational organizations based on the Post-secondary education laws.
ex) Universities, Industrial University, Educational University, Junior University, Broadcasting University, Telecommunications University, Broadcasting and Telecommunications University, Cyber University, Technology University, etc.
Lifelong education Educational organizations based on the Lifelong Education Act.
Academy education Educational organizations based on the Establishment and Operation of Academies and Extra lesson teaching;
ex) Knowledge, Skills (including features), Entertainment teaching activities

[ ISO 21001:2018 Requirements ]

All requirements in ISO 21001:2018 are general information that can be applied to any organization providing services, regardless of type, size or nature of the organization, and arebased on the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.

  • Scope
  • Normative references
  • Terms and definitions
  • Context of the organization
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operation
  • Performance evaluation
  • Improvement
The importance of ISO 21001<The importance of ISO 21001>

[ The importance of ISO 21001:2018 ]

  • 1. Social responsibility is strengthened by providing inclusive and fairquality education.
  • 2. It can be a means for educational institutions to demonstrate their commitment to effective education management practices.
  • 3. Improve the education system, enhance the reputation of educational institutions, and promote excellence and innovation.
  • 4. All students have equal learning opportunities regardless of religion, ethnicity, culture, gender, ability, or disability.
The effects of ISO 21001<The effects of ISO 21001>

[ The effects of ISO 21001:2018 ]

  • •  Demonstrates to stakeholders that they are working to improve the training system and demonstrates greater trust and influence by achieving ISO 21001 certification.
  • •  Educational institutions benefit from providing more effective and appropriate learning experiences that align with the organization's mission and vision.
  • •  Through ensure suitability of international standards, improve public awareness of education delivery services.
  • •  It helps educational institutions provide continuous quality in a variety of educational environments.



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