1. The information required for membership registration must be accurately filled out. In addition, the information on the already provided member must be maintained and updated so that it is accurate, and the member must not let a third party use his or her account and password.
2. Members may not engage in any commercial activities using the service without prior consent of GIC Certification Center, and GIC Certification Center is not responsible for the results of their business activities. In addition, the member shall be liable for damages if GIC Certifier Co., Ltd. suffers damages due to such business activities, and GIC Certifier Co., Ltd. shall request compensation for damages, etc., through the appropriate procedures and restrictions on service use for the member. can.
3. Members shall not engage in any of the following actions in relation to the use of the GIC Authentication Service service.
1) Entering false information when applying for membership or changing member information, or stealing passwords and IDs of other members to use illegally
2) Transmitting, posting, posting, e-mailing, or otherwise transmitting content that is vulgar, obscene, insulting, threatening, or that may infringe on the privacy of others
3) Impersonating the management, staff or related person of GIC Certification Center
4) Disguise the source of the content transmitted through the service
5) Posting, posting, e-mailing, or transmitting content that cannot be used by law or contract
6) Hacking servers and spreading computer viruses, arbitrarily altering part or all of the website or posted information
7) Posting, posting, e-mailing, or other transmission of content that infringes on other's patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights
8) The act of posting, posting, e-mailing or sending advertisements, promotional materials, spam mails, letters of luck, pyramid structures, or other types of solicitations that have not been approved by GIC Certification Center
9) Collecting, storing, and disclosing personal information of other users
10) Activities for the purpose of criminal activities or other criminal activities
11) Good manners and other acts that harm social order
12) Acts that defame or insult others
13) Acts that infringe on other's intellectual property rights
14) Continuous transmission of certain contents such as advertising information against the will of others
15) Any action that may interfere with or may interfere with the stable operation of the service
16) Acts that violate all regulations or conditions of use set by GIC Certification Institute, including these terms and conditions
17) Acts that violate other related laws