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홍보자료 배너 이미지

(주)지아이씨인증원 영문 Brochure

페이지 정보

작성자 GIC
댓글 0건 조회 3,519회 작성일 21-06-22 14:02


(주)지아이씨인증원 영문 Brochure

GIC is an accredited certification body with international awareness that provides services in various fields, including system certification, product certification, auditor training, auditor registration and testing, and inspection, based on a wide range of cooperative with international competitive institutions.

GIC is a third-party certification body that has obtained accreditation for its management system certification from the U.S. accreditation body IAS; it has audit capabilities and certification know-how for management systems related to quality, environment, safety, health, food and information protection, and provides management system certification services in various fields, including automotive, railway, aerospace, mechanical engineering, information communication technology, financial and medical industries.

  • •  ISO 9001
  • •  ISO 14001
  • •  ISO 13485
  • •  ISO 22000
  • •  ISO 45001
  • •  ISO 37001
  • •  ISO/IEC 27001

* If you would like to check more detailed information of Management System and other services, please find the attachment.

(주)지아이씨인증원 영문 Brochure<(주)지아이씨인증원 영문 Brochure>
(주)지아이씨인증원 영문 Brochure<(주)지아이씨인증원 영문 Brochure>



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