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ISO 37101:2016 Management Systems for Sustainable Development in Commu…


COMMENT 0 VIEW 5,792TIME DATE 23-04-12 17:04


ISO 37101:2016 Management Systems for Sustainable Development in Communities

[ Certification Information ]

Due to the depletion of finite resources, including the lack of clean water and potable water, deforestation, the spread of barren land, and food shortages, Sustainable development in communities is now be positioning as a worldwide issue. Therefore, ensuring that cities and communities can adapt well to the changing future in a rapidly changing environment has become a top priority for many city interested parties concerned and leaders.

ISO 37101 Certification Information<ISO 37101 Certification Information>

They are in a situation to meet the needs and expectations of communities and citizens by continuing to supply energy and build a sturdy infra structure in line with environmental and climate change perspectives. In this situation, ISO 37101:2016 aims to help communities establish a framework that allows them to improve their standing in their social, economic and environmental aspects. It also supports the community to improve its resilience, agility, and sustainability through the implementation of development strategies, programs, projects, plans and services, and to demonstrate and disseminate its achievements.

The scope of ISO 37101<The scope of ISO 37101>

[ The scope of ISO 37101 ]

ISO 37101 standard prescribes the management system requirements needed for the sustainable development of the community, including cities, and uses a holistic approach to maintain consistency with the community's sustainable development policies. Therefore, implementing this international standard can be of great help if a community builds an organizational framework as an organization and when it provides the resources needed for environmental, economic, and social performance management.

In this standard, when a community decides to build its organizational system by itself, such a community is soon defined as an organization. This standard also can applies extensively irrespective of developed and developing countries, provinces, regional or national levels, urban areas or rural areas, regardless of the size, structure, and types of community at their respective levels of responsibility.

ISO 37101:2016 can be used to improve sustainable development management in the community in totality or in partly. But, in order to claim that the organization's management system meets this international standard, all requirements of the standard must be integrated into the organization's management system aim to for the sustainable development of the community and implemented without exception.

The importance and necessity of ISO 37101<The importance and necessity of ISO 37101>

[ The importance and necessity of ISO 37101 ]

  • •  Underpin the community's efforts to arrange efficient infrastructure.
  • •  As drive social and environmental change through working with all stakeholders within the community to, this international standard can ultimately help the overall well-being of the community.
  • •  It has the flexibility to deal with other sustainability as well as concrete sustainability.
  • •  As the worldwide climate and resource crisis, Sustainable development is becoming an increasingly important issue.
  • •  It is smart and resilient as it can applicable to communities of all sizes.
The effects of ISO 37101<The effects of ISO 37101>

[ The effects of ISO 37101 ]

  • •  It is possible to develop a holistic and integrated approach for achieving sustainability.
  • •  It can improve citizens' well-being and health by utilizing the right resources in the right place.
  • •  Better governance can be achieved by supporting efficient cost investment decisions.
  • •  Environmental protection and improvement are possible, and international profile can be improved.
  • •  It can help the government interact with local society and improve the participation of citizens.



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