ISO 20121:2012 Event sustainability management systems

ISO 20121:2012 Event sustainability management systems
[ Certification Introduction ]
By applying ISO 20121:2012, organizations of any type or size can plan and operate sustainable events. Events take a heavy toll on resources, society and the environment, often generating significant waste. In addition to promoting more responsible consumption, this International Standard has been developed to relieve the strain on local infrastructure and utilities, reducing the potential for conflict in communities where events are hosted.

[ ISO 20121:2012 Requirements ]
- Scope
- Normative references
- Terms and definitions
- Context of the organization
- Leadership
- Planning
- Support
- Operation
- Performance evaluation
- Improvement

[ ISO 20121:2012 Importance and Necessity ]
- 1. We provide guidance and best practices to help you manage events and control their social, economic and environmental impacts.
- 2. It also helps reduce unnecessary costs.
- 3. Its flexible approach allows it to be applied for all types of events, from music festivals to school picnics.
- 4. We provide ways to achieve maximum results while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and communities.

[ ISO 20121:2012 Main certification subject ]
- • Event Organizer
- • Event Venue
- • Event Agency
- • Event Service Provider, All Organizations related to events

[ ISO 20121:2012 Benefit ]
- • Create a positive image in the community
- • Events can secure an organizational culture of sustainable management
- • You can protect the natural environment and minimize damage to the ecosystem by minimizing energy and waste.
- • Risk management to prevent objections from event stakeholders
- PREVISO 37101:2016 Management Systems for Sustainable Development in Communities 23.04.12
- NEXTISO 10004:2018 Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for monitoring and measuring 22.09.15