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Certification Information

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ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals


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ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals

[ Certification Information ]

Climate change is one of the biggest problems facing countries, companies and citizens, and as their interest in climate change increases, organizations develop and implement international, national and regional initiatives for emissions and removals of greenhouse gases.. ISO 14064 provides a framework for estimating and verifying greenhouse gas emissions for organizations seeking to quantify and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. This standard is consists of three parts such as :

Part 1 (ISO 14064-1) - Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals

ISO 14064-1 specifies principles and requirements for the quantification and reporting the greenhouse gas emissions and removals at the organizational level, and it sets the greenhouse gas emissions limits for identifying the organization's specific measures or activities by estimating and verifying an organization's greenhouse gas emissions while improving greenhouse gas management.

Part 2 (ISO 14064-2) - Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements

ISO 14064-2 focuses on greenhouse gas project-based activities specifically designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It contains the principles and conditions for determining the key scenarios of the project and monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the performance of the project according to these scenarios and provides the basis to verify the greenhouse gas projects.

Part 3 (ISO 14064-3) - Specification with guidance for the verification and validation of greenhouse gas statements

ISO 14064-3 provides more detailed information related to the principles and requirements for verifying greenhouse gas inventories or greenhouse gas projects. Also, it describes the verification process for greenhouse gas and can be used as a guideline for verifying greenhouse gas statements to organizations or independent users.

By applying all three sub-standards, organizations can calculate greenhouse gas emissions accurately, strategically manage, and effectively implement and develop greenhouse gas projects to improve consistency and transparency in greenhouse gas calculation and reporting.

The scope of ISO 14064<The scope of ISO 14064>

[ The scope of ISO 14064 ]

  • •  Stable reporting on greenhouse gas emissions and removals
  • •  Development of Improvement Projects to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • •  It can be used as a guideline for verifying greenhouse gas statements
The importance of ISO 14064<The importance of ISO 14064>

[ The importance of ISO 14064 ]

  • 1. It can develop robust internal mechanisms for quantifying, managing and reporting greenhouse gas emissions.
  • 2. It set an objective voluntarily related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and holds objective policies.
  • 3. Companies must manage greenhouse gas risks in preparation for domestic and international climate change policies.
  • 4. ISO 14064 is a voluntary certification standard and applies to all enterprises without exception.
  • 5. If verification of greenhouse gas emissions is a legal requirement, regulation compliance can be achieved.
  • 6. Stakeholders require companies to disclose more detailed nformation about GHG, and disclosure of their greenhouse gas emissions information helps them build good relationships with stakeholders.
The necessity of ISO 14064<The necessity of ISO 14064>

[ The necessity of ISO 14064 ]

  • •  It facilitates the consistent development and implementation of greenhouse gas management strategies and plans.
  • •  It facilitates the development and implementation of actions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • •  It tracks the performance and progress of the GHG emissions reduction and GHG removal.
  • •  It can reduce energy consumption and increase profitability by identifying the opportunities to reduce GHG reduction.
  • •  It is applicable for identifying and managing opportunities and risks for the enterprise.
The effects of ISO 14064<The effects of ISO 14064>

[ The effects of ISO 14064 ]

  • •  It can prove to the organizations comply with the ISO 14064 standard through the verification against ISO 14064-1 and ISO 14064-2 and it can demonstrate the integrity of systems and processes that are free from errors, omissions, or misstatements.
  • •  It establishes the project plan that realizes the GHG removals through the feasibility assessment of ISO 14064-2.
  • •  It makes stakeholders confident about emissions reduction achieved within a specific period of time.
  • •  It provides clarity and consistency when quantifying, monitoring, reporting, and verifying GHG emissions and removals.
  • •  It can consider the same as participating in voluntary GHG registration or reporting actions.



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