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Certification Information

인증정보 이미지

Food Certification Trend_ISO 22000


COMMENT 0 VIEW 5,306TIME DATE 22-05-17 12:43


ISO 22000 Food Certification Trend

Food safety is concerned with the hazards present in food at the point of consumption. Because the influx of food safety hazards can occur in every stage of the food chain, adequate management of the entire food chain is required essentially.

ISO 22000 is a standard that organization on the food chain regulates the requirements of a food safety management system that aim to manage food safety hazards to ensure the fact that food is safe at a point of human consumption.

Also, ISO 22000:2018 incorporates the principles and application stages of the HACCP system developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). It requires identifying and evaluating all hazards expected to occur in the food chain, including process forms and hazards that can be related to facilities used.

ISO 22000 Requirements<ISO 22000 Requirements>

[ ISO 22000:2018 Requirements ]

These requirements are applicable to all organizations within the food chain, regardless of the organization's complexity and size.

  • Scope
  • Normative references
  • Terms and definitions
  • Context of the organization
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operation
  • Performance evaluation
  • Improvement
Organizations that ISO 22000:2018 can be applied<Organizations that ISO 22000:2018 can be applied>

[ Organizations that ISO 22000:2018 can be applied ]

  • •  Farms, fish, and dairy farms
  • •  Production of meat, fish, and feed
  • •  Manufacturer of bread, cereal, drinks, and frozen food
  • •  Food service providers, including restaurants, fast-food chains, hospitals, hotels, and business dinners
  • •  Food storage and delivery, Food processing machine, additives, raw materials, cleaning and sterilizing products and wrapping paper supplier
The importance of ISO 22000:2018<The importance of ISO 22000:2018>

[ The importance of ISO 22000:2018 ]

  • It allows to establish effective food safety management system management means during the construction process.
  • It can gain reliability from clients.
  • It can improve employees' sense of responsibility.
  • It contributes to improving the sustainability of the business.
The necessity of ISO 22000:2018<The necessity of ISO 22000:2018>

[ The necessity of ISO 22000:2018 ]

  • •  Client satisfaction is realized through the deliveries that meet clients’ requirements such as quality, safety, and legality.
  • •  Reduce operating costs by continuously improving the process and by increasing operational efficiency.
  • •  Required programs (programs in PRP and OPRP) and HACCP are combined with the PDCA cycle in ISO 9001 and the efficiency of the food safety management system is increased.
  • •  Parallel and integration with the Quality / Environment / Occupational Health and Safety Management System standards are required.
  • •  The necessity of integrating the various food-related programs (HACCP, BRC, EUREPGAP, GMP) arises.
The effects of ISO 22000:2018<The effects of ISO 22000:2018>

[ The effects of ISO 22000:2018 ]

  • •  It helps improve relationships with stakeholders.
  • •  It allows to understand the impact of legal and regulatory requirements on businesses and clients, and compliance test is possible through internal audits and management reviews.
  • •  It can ensure the higher levels of consistency and traceability of the product to improve crisis management.
  • •  Internal harmony and efficiency with other international standard systems can be enhanced.
  • •  It helps demonstrate the implementation of a complete management system for the variety of food safety and quality.
  • •  It can respond to a state of emergency while preventing food safety accidents in advance.
GIC 인증원의 ISO 22000 인증<GIC / ISO 22000 certification>

[ GIC / ISO 22000 certification ]

ISO 22000 certification requires that the producer manage the food safety management system overall. It sets global standards for food management processes while complies with the same practices regardless of the firm's physical location or local regulations.

GIC has up-to-date knowledge about the certification scopes of the food field and legal requirements in the major markets around the world. We provide the knowledge and services to support the company’s entire global operation.

And also GIC provides certification services for the Food Safety Management System as a reliable global leader of management system certification with accreditation about ISO 22000:2018 standard from the IAS, the accreditation body of U.S.A.

GIC's auditors are capable of providing effective and thorough audits as an expert with training and related technical qualifications because they have the knowledge and capabilities that meet the needs of your business and implementation and effectiveness of the ISO 22000:2018 food safety management system.



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