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ISO 55001:2014 Asset management - Management systems


COMMENT 0 VIEW 4,936TIME DATE 22-05-02 09:58


ISO 55001:2014 Asset Management Systems

Recently, not only domestic but also abroad, it requires a huge investment of costs due to the aging of industrial facilities (Chemical, Steel, Oil refining, Manufacturing, etc.) and social infrastructure facilities (Road, Port, Railway, Power generation, Telecommunications, Water and sewage, Dams, etc.). And reached situations where it is difficult to make decisions on repair and replacement moments. In accordance with it, the importance of reviewing the utilization degree, productivity, cost-to-cost investment, considerations of safety and environment for the industrial assets such as all factories and facilities that are used for industry-wide production activities, and social infrastructure assets have been highlighted.

ISO 55001:2014 is a standard established for organizations that aim for good asset management and can apply regardless of size and type of organization. In addition, the Asset management – Management systems support that the organizations can establish a strategy for long-term objectives by suggesting an asset-related risks assessment of organizations and ways to achieve and realize the asset.

ISO 55001 Requirements<ISO 55001 Requirements>

ISO 55001:2014 is an international standard that aims to manage schemingly throughout the life cycle of assets which centered on assets and maximizing the value of assets. It defines the clear requirements needed for an organization's Asset management - Management systems is to be established, executed, and maintained.

  • Scope
  • Normative references
  • Terms and definitions
  • Context of the organization
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operation
  • Performance evaluation
  • Improvement
The importance of ISO 55001<The importance of ISO 55001>
  • Efficient asset and operational management improve the economics and efficiency of industrial-based facilities and industrial assets.
  • Asset management is effective for saving money and time, so the right asset management allows the use of available assets wisely.
  • It is designed for handling asset management processes and risks properly, so it improves current and future company performance.
  • It can achieve the results that the organization intended by harmonizing the objectives of the organization and the objectives of the Asset management – Management systems.
  • It supports the organization during the process of establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving the Asset management - Management systems.
The necessity of ISO 55001<The necessity of ISO 55001>
  • •  It helps reduce the organization's operating costs by providing benefits to the organization's financial performance improvement.
  • •  It supports risk management for an organization’s assets and performance through critical assessment, contingency planning and the development of mitigation measures to prevent potential risks that may occur during the operation of the organization.
  • •  It facilitates the establishment of strategies and achieving objectives for achieving long-term objectives and achievement of objectives by supporting to comply with regulatory activities.
  • •  It ensures effective feedback on asset status, and it helps establish a clear definition of asset criteria and data collection requirements.
  • •  It lay the foundation for satisfying customer requirements and expectations because effective organizational management is able to.
The effect of ISO 55001<The effect of ISO 55001>
  • •  Improve return on investment and reduce costs at the same time preserving the value of assets.
  • •  Reduce financial losses and minimize social shock to reduce legal responsibilities such as fines and penalties.
  • •  Enhance the value of the organization's brand due to the organization's social responsibility, ethical management practices, and fulfillment of its responsibilities.
  • •  It publicly demonstrates compliance with policies and processes faithfully.
  • •  Not only it can achieve the organization's objectives, but it improves the validity and efficiency of assets.



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