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Certification Information

인증정보 이미지

ISO 22301:2019 Business Continuity Management System


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ISO 22301:2019 Business Continuity Management System

[ Certification Introduction ]

This standard is an international standard for Business Continuity Management established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), aimed at establishing a management system to ensure that products or services provided to customers operate normally as soon as possible despite disasters and accidents.

ISO 22301 Certification Introduction<ISO 22301 Certification Introduction>

In addition, ISO 22301 can be applied to all industry fields and activities, and provides a framework that identifies the impact of organizations' various business threats, and builds responsiveness and recovery capabilities to effectively respond to them.

And it supports consistent and integrated execution and operation between management systems by compatibility with other management system standards such as ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System), ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (Information Security Management System), ISO/IEC 20000-1 (Information Technology – Service Management) and ISO 28000:2007 (Security Management Systems for the Supply chain).

ISO 22301 Requirements<ISO 22301 Requirements>

[ ISO 22301:2019 Requirements ]

When an organization's disruptive accident occurs, ISO 22301 establishes a documented management system for defends against it and reduces the possibility of occurrence, reduces the possibility of loss, restores various kinds of businesses to their original state.

Also, it stipulates requirements for executing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and continuously improving the system.

  • Scope
  • Normative references
  • Terms and definitions
  • Context of the organization
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operation
  • Performance evaluation
  • Improvement
The importance of ISO 22301<The importance of ISO 22301>

[ The importance of ISO 22301:2019 ]

  • 1. ISO 22301 ensure immediate recovery of products and services and minimize their impact by providing formal business continuity guidelines to help sustain business operations after a business disruption.
  • 2. It is applicable in all companies regardless of size and is suitable for global enterprises which the ability to can be operated without delay in extremely dangerous or complex environments is critical.
  • 3. Producing and Supplying products in a timely manner is a very important factor for companies as the frequency of large-scale disasters and disasters that can lead to core business disruptions of the company is increasingly frequent and the scale and type of damage are increasingly large.
  • 4. By securing business continuity, it supports timely responses to customer requirements.
  • 5. This standard can prevent business disruption from a wide range of potential threats and disruptions.
The necessity of ISO 22301<The necessity of ISO 22301>

[ The necessity of ISO 22301:2019 ]

  • •  Business disruption incident is increasing due to natural and social disasters.
  • •  Increasing demand for establishing international business continuity management systems of clients and stakeholders.
  • •  Connection with quality/environment/safety and health management systems can be secured.
  • •  An adequate response is required in compliance with social safety laws and regulatory requirements and changes.
  • •  There is an increasing necessity of monitoring stakeholders about the organization.
  • •  The financial burden of business disruption is increasing for the enterprise.
The effect of ISO 22301<The effect of ISO 22301>

[ The effect of ISO 22301:2019 ]

  • •  It can improve a company’s business understanding by analyzing critical issues and vulnerable areas.
  • •  It can have a consistent approach across the organization.
  • •  Costs are reduced and the impact on business performance is reduced when business disruptions.
  • •  Demonstrate to stakeholders the commitment to building business continuity systems and processes.
  • •  Obtain appropriate response solutions and implement business continuity strategies.
  • •  Continuity management plans can be maintained through reviews and training tailored to organizational culture.
  • •  It can learn how to internalize the introduction of a business continuity approach.



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