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Certification Information

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FSSC 22000 Food Safety System Certification


COMMENT 0 VIEW 4,865TIME DATE 21-11-05 11:06


FSSC 22000 Food Safety System Certification

[ Certification Introduction ]

Gradually there is a growing demand for cheap, safe, and high-quality foods worldwide, and customers' awareness of the organization that produces these foods in a responsible way in the social and environmental sectors is also increasing.

FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification) is a complete certification scheme for certification and audit of food safety management systems provided by the FSSC Foundation to meet these needs.

In addition, this international standard is an international standard certification differentiated from other food safety certification systems because it not only provides a system that guarantees the organization of the food chain but also focuses on certification of the organization's food safety management system.

FSSC 22000 Certification Introduction<FSSC 22000 Certification Introduction>

The FSSC 22000 consists of three components: ISO 22000, sector-specific PRP, and additional requirements, and in addition to the three components, there is FSSC 22000-Quality based on the additional requirements of the quality management system.

If the organization has already been certified about ISO 22000, the addition of technical standards for partial PRP and FSSC additional requirements is required to meet the requirements of FSSC 22000.

ISO 22000 ISO 22000 provides common framework across the entire supply chain to manage requirements, communicate internally & externally, and continually improve the system.
PRPs Sector specific Pre-requisite Programs
FSSC 22000 FSSC 22000 adds specific requirements to ensure consistency, integrity, and to provide governance and management of the Scheme

[ ISO 22000:2018 VS FSSC 22000 ]

ISO 22000:2018 is a food safety management system established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to provide safe food to consumers and is an international standard certification that integrates and complements key elements of the quality management system and HACCP across the food supply chain.

On the other hand, the FSSC 22000 is a food safety system certification with detailed guidelines such as HACCP's methodology and antecedents, designed in greater detail than necessary components based on ISO 22000 standards and PAS 220 standards.

FSSC 22000 Requirements<FSSC 22000 Requirements>

[ FSSC 22000 Requirements ]

The FSSC 22000 includes technical standards, which are prerequisite programs in a specific field such as ISO/TS 22002-1 as well as ISO 22000, ISO 9001, and ISO/TS 22003. Technical standards have been prepared through continuous consultation and discussion by international stakeholders, and in addition to technical standards, 'FSSC additional requirements' are also included.

  • ISO 22000:2018
  • PRP (Prerequisite Requirements Program)
    • •  ISO 22002-1 (Manufacture of Food)
    • •  ISO 22002-4 (Manufacture of Food packaging materials)
    • •  PAS 221 (Wholesale and Retail of Food)
  • FSSC 22000 Additional requirements
    • •  Service Management
    • •  Product Labeling
    • •  Food Defense
    • •  Food Fraud Prevention
    • •  Logo Used
    • •  Management of Allergens
    • •  Environmental Monitoring → Corresponds to Category C, I
    • •  Formulation of Products → Corresponds to Category FI
The importance of FSSC 22000<The importance of FSSC 22000>

[ The importance of FSSC 22000 ]

  • 1. FSSC 22000 establishes standards for certification to related food companies in various food supply chains, including food, packaging, wholesale and retail businesses, feed and catering industries, with global food giants and stakeholders participating.
  • 2. Due to changes in the production, processing, storage, and distribution process of food, there is a growing concern about the stability of food consumed.
  • 3. Food production and distribution methods are changing today with the globalization of the food industry and food trade. This clearly shows the importance of food safety.
  • 4. The FSSC 22000 food safety system certification enables international transparency and harmonization of food safety standards.
  • 5. Food safety also affects international trade, and globalization of food production and supply activities increases food safety risks.



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