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Certification Information

인증정보 이미지

ISO 28000:2007 Supply Chain Security Management Systems


COMMENT 0 VIEW 4,814TIME DATE 21-10-29 17:48


ISO 28000:2007 Supply Chain Security Management Systems

[ Certification Introduction ]

ISO 28000 is an international standard for the Security Management System for Supply Chain (SMS).

ISO 28000 is a standard that helps protect a company's property from various threats by strengthening corporate's security mean. It makes it easy for many companies to control business threats due to this standard.

In addition, ISO 28000 certificates are effective in enhancing the company's profitability and quality, and the biggest advantages are providing recognition and preference in the market, and providing reliability for business activities to create customer satisfaction. Established a security system to protect people, assets, equipment and transport through this standard from security incidents and potential damage situations.

ISO 28000 Requirements<ISO 28000 Requirements>

[ ISO 28000:2007 Requirements ]

  • Scope
  • Normative references
  • Terms and definitions
  • Security management system elements
    • General requirements
    • Security management policy
    • Security risk assessment and planning
    • Implementation and operation
    • Checking and corrective action
    • Management review and continual improvement
The importance of ISO 28000<The importance of ISO 28000>

[ The importance of ISO 28000:2007 ]

Once ISO 28000 is certified, it can provide support to so that build SMS that adequately manages and controls security and threats related to logistics operations or supply chain partners.

ISO 28000 certification will help secure visibility in the market and improve institutional productivity and quality.

The expected effect and benefits of ISO 28000<The expected effect and benefits of ISO 28000>

[ The expected effect and benefits of ISO 28000:2007 ]

  • •  You can identify current and future security-related laws.
  • •  Effective management of security-related risks is possible.
  • •  Corporate reliability and brand awareness can be improved.
  • •  Customer satisfaction is improved through security management.
  • •  You can reduce the cost of security accidents.
  • •  It can maintain the security of its own process.
  • •  It is a standard that helps you focus on the most vulnerable security risk areas.
  • •  It enables companies to maintain safety and service security.
  • •  It has management measures to minimize security risks and it reduces security incidents.



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