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Certification Information

인증정보 이미지

IAF CertSearch - Check your certification


COMMENT 0 VIEW 15,931TIME DATE 21-10-06 17:08


IAF CertSearch The exclusive global database for accredited certifications - “Certified once, Accepted everywhere”

[ Introduction to IAF CertSearch ]

IAF CertSearch is a global database where users can search and validate the status of accredited certification issued by a Certification Body which has been accredited by an IAF signatory member Accreditation Body under main scope ISO/IEC 17021-1, It has been established by the International Accreditation Forum and its members so accredited certifications from around the world can be validated.

IAF is an online tool where individual accredited certifications from any economy in the world can be validated in real time, and it currently aggregates data from 69 Accreditation Bodies and 1,171 Certification Bodies to make it simple and easy to validate an organizations certification(s).

IAF CertSearch also provides organizations with information about the accredited network, which includes a list of all Accreditation Bodies and Certification Bodies across the globe. So, organizations seeking accreditation can browse a list of Accreditation Bodies here.

[ Key Information ]

What is IAF CertSearch?

IAF CertSearch is the exclusive global database for accredited certifications of accredited certificates in the world. IAF CertSearch is market-leading secure validation technology that provides the ability to validate any individual accredited Management System certification from any economy in any language in real time. Certified Entities can search their certifications to ensure all are included and the details are accurate.

Why is IAF CertSearch Critical?

Businesses and Governments are demanding greater transparency across organizations and supply chains. Accredited certifications make it possible for businesses and governments to develop compliant supply chains, however their ability to validate certifications and to find and trade with certified entities has been restricted.

Due to the lack of a global technology solutions for validation of accreditation, this led to misuse of accredited certification, undermining its value.

How to search in the IAF CertSearch<How to search in the IAF CertSearch>

[ How to search in the IAF CertSearch ]

The purpose of IAF CertSearch is to validate individual accredited certifications and it is a tool that a user can use to validate the legitimacy of an accredited certification.

  • ① The user must know the Company Name or Cert No. to search and validate a certificate.
  • ② The user will type in either the Company Name or Cert No. into the search bar. If the user knows the Company Name, they will be directed to the company page where they can see all certifications that company holds.
  • ③ In cases where they type in the Certificate number into the search bar, they will be taken directly to the page where you can verify that certificate.
  • ④ If they wish to validate an individual certificate they can click on the certificate where they can see the certificate details including Standard, Scope, Status, Issued date, Certification Body and Accreditation Body.



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