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Certification Information

인증정보 이미지

ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Information technology Service


COMMENT 0 VIEW 5,027TIME DATE 21-08-27 17:34


ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 IT Service Management

[ Certification Information ]

In today's dynamic business environment, enterprises of all sizes rely on effective IT services, and service delivery continues to evolve and develop, presenting new challenges and opportunities for the business.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that appropriate services are being provided and to adapt and adjust them with business objectives as a service provider.

IT services require cost efficiency, reliability, consistency and effectiveness, and organizations that manage IT services within the enterprise and outsourced service providers that provide IT services professionally must apply an integrated management framework to deliver and manage IT services to clients.

And provide clients with appropriate control, improved effectiveness and opportunities for improvement.

[ The composition of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 ]

ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 ISO/IEC 20000-2:2012

•  Part 1: Specification for Service Management

•  Rules about IT service management.

•  Define standards for third-party audit or certification audit

•  Part 2: Code of Practice for Service Management

•  A reference guide that complement to Part 1 that provides about guidance or recommendations.

•  Specify the execution instructions within the scope of ISO 20000-1.

[ 8 Principles of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 ]

  • ■  Client-centered : Organizations rely on clients and need an understanding about their requirements.
  • ■  Leadership : Establish consistency in purpose and direction and create and maintain an internal environment
  • ■  Full participation : People from all walks of life should act as an integral part of the organization.
  • ■  Process approach : Relevant resources and activities must be managed in one process.
  • ■  Systems approach method about management : Interconnected processors need to be identified as one system.
  • ■  Continuous improvement : Continuous improvement must be made to the overall performance of the organization.
  • ■  A realistic approach to decision making : Decisions based on data and information analysis are required.
  • ■  Mutually beneficial supplier relationships : Create mutually beneficial value for the organization and its suppliers.

[ ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Requirements ]

ISO/IEC 20000-1 consists of 10 particulars :

  • Scope
  • Normative references
  • Terms and definitions
  • Context of the organization
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support of the service management system
  • Operation of the service management system
  • Performance evaluation
  • Improvement

[ The importance of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 ]

  • •  IT accidents occur due to poor communication issues between Business and IT.
  • •  It is difficult to define the specific business information needed for IT.
  • •  The costs incurred by the scattered demand for IT are unclear. (Total cost of ownership)
  • •  Strategic integrated IT needs management tools are required.
  • •  The need for management systems for business value increases.
  • •  Experience limitations of checking execution in simple IT tasks – 'Qualitative work reporting'
  • •  It is difficult to objectively determine the effectiveness of the current IT process.
  • •  Means and tools for quantified measurement must be successfully applied to the IT process.
  • •  Reactive-centered IT work is being done.



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