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Certification Information

인증정보 이미지

Accreditation VS Certification


COMMENT 0 VIEW 8,481TIME DATE 21-07-26 10:06


Accreditation VS Certification


Accreditation means granting certification standards or accreditation of the certification body's ability to evaluate, and managing and supervising that conformity assessment bodies (certification bodies) are conducting conformity assessment impartially with have internationally required qualifications.

check Accreditation is the independent evaluation of certification bodies against recognized standards to ensure their impartiality and competence to carry out specific activities, such as tests, calibrations, inspections and certifications


Certification means an activity in which the conformity assessment body (certification body) audit and verifies about the organization's management system and certification standards.

  • •  Certification is a “third-party attestation related to products, processes, systems or persons,” as defined by ISO/IEC 17000 Conformity Assessment—Vocabulary and General Principles.
  • •  Certification is most often associated with ISO 9001 and the environmental management systems standard ISO 14001. However, certification programs exist for a range of management systems standards, including the ISO/IEC 2700 program for information security management and the ISO 22000 program for food safety management.
  • •  Product certification is the process of verifying that a product, including services and processes, meet requirements specified in contracts, regulations, or specifications.
  • •  In most countries, accreditation is voluntary, however, many certification bodies choose to seek accreditation in order to demonstrate third-party confirmation of their competence.
Accreditation body VS Certification body<Accreditation body VS Certification body>
Accreditation Body

Accreditation Body is play role in maintaining and ensuring the reliability of the accreditation system through surveillance. And audit and verify that the certification body is operated fairly and appropriately in compliance with international standards (ISO/IEC Guide 62) and IAF guidelines. Accreditation bodies are not directly involved in the audit of accredited organizations.

  • •  Accreditation bodies are established in many countries with the primary purpose of ensuring that certification bodies are subject to oversight by an authoritative body.
  • •  An accreditation body is an authoritative body that performs accreditation. In some instances, its authority is derived from government.
  • •  Its primary function is to assess, against internationally agreed standards, organizations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services (collectively known as conformity assessment bodies). Accreditation demonstrates the competence, impartiality and performance capability of these organizations.
  • •  Accreditation bodies normally operate as non-profit distributing organizations.
Certification Body

Certification body is an organization that audits and demonstrates whether the supplier's entire or some organization has a management system in conformity to specific specifications (ISO 9001) and whether is being implemented in accordance with the requirements of international standards. Certification bodies apply for accreditation (designation) to accreditation bodies and undergo audit to demonstrate conformity with international standards and provide audit services.

  • •  An organization that provides certification, testing, calibration, inspection and other conformity assessment services can seek accreditation.
  • •  An accredited body has demonstrated that it fully meets the requirements of relevant national and international standards.
  • •  The criteria for determining a certification body’s competence are based on the relevant national or international standard (such as ISO/IEC 17024, ISO/IEC Guide 65ISO/IEC 17021) and include: the qualifications required knowledge and skills, training and experience of staff; appropriate equipment that is properly calibrated and maintained
  • •  Accredited bodies can be private or government owned, and can range in size from sole traders to large multi-disciplinary, multi-site organizations.
Relationship between Accredited body and Certification body<Relationship between Accredited body and Certification body>

Accreditation body is managed certification bodies by accreditation, Certification body manage entities by certify. Accreditation body granted authority by the government, the accrediting body performs third-party certification activities to judge officially whether a conformity assessment body is qualified for specified requirements.

GIC Certification<GIC Certification>

Certification body performs activities to assess and verify conformity assessment bodies (test labs, product certification bodies, qualification certification bodies, management system certification bodies) are operated in conformity with international standards or standards, and is a private company certified by accredited bodies.



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