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FSSC 22000 V6 and ISO 22003-1:2022 transition


COMMENT 0 VIEW 901TIME DATE 24-08-12 14:12


FSSC 22000 V6 and ISO 22003-1:2022 transition 

Date: 2024.Feb.12

ISO/TS 22003:2013, the requirements for food safety management system certification, has been updated to ISO 22003-1:2022, and the new FSSC 22000 Version 6 was released by the FSSC Foundation, which administers the FSSC 22000 certification on March 31, 2023. The main reasons for revision are:

Integrating the requirements of ISO 22003-1:2022,

Strengthening the requirements to support organizations in their contributions to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and

Incorporating feedback as a result of the Version 6 development survey.


FSSC 22000 (Version 6) takes effect on April 1, 2024, and existing Version 5.1 certified organizations can upgrade the specification through surveillance/recertification audit between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025. Upon completion of the upgrade, a new certificate will be issued.


Major changes in FSSC 22000 (Version 6) include:

Realignment of the Food Chain Categories in accordance with ISO 22003-1:2022.

The scope has been expanded to include Trading and Brokering (FII) and reduced by removing Farming and FSSC 22000-Quality from the scheme.

Integration of the requirements on food safety and quality culture.

New requirements on quality control, food loss and waste, and equipment management.

Strengthened existing additional requirements in Part 2 of the scheme, including but not limited to allergen management and environmental monitoring.

Changes to and clarification on requirements for the Certification Process.

Addition of a QR Code on FSSC 22000 certificates for improved traceability.


For ISO 22000 certification, realignment of the Food Chain Categories in accordance with ISO 22003-1:2022 also applies.


1. Major changes

1) Changes to FSSC 22000 Additional Requirement

Requirements have been added to FSSC 22000 Additional Requirements in FSSC 22000 (Version 6), and existing requirements have been strengthened.

Please refer to the specifications document (Part 2 - 2.5) for detailed requirements. 

FSSC 22000 (Version 5.1)

FSSC 22000 (Version 6)

1. Management of Services and Purchased Materials

1. Management of Services and Purchased Materials (All food chain categories)

2. Product Labelling

2. Product Labelling and Printed Materials (All food chain categories)

3. Food Defense

3. Food Defense (All food chain categories)

4. Food Fraud Mitigation

4. Food Fraud Mitigation (All food chain categories)

5. Logo Use

5. Logo Use (All food chain categories)

6. Management of Allergens (Food chain categories C, E, FI, G, I & K)

6. Management of Allergens (All food chain categories)

7. Environmental Monitoring (Food chain categories C, I & K)

7. Environmental Monitoring (Food chain categories BIII, C, I & K)


8. Food Safety and Quality Culture (All food chain categories)


9. Quality Control (All food chain categories)

8. Formulation of Products (Food chain category D)

Requirement integration

9. Transport and Delivery (Food chain category FI)

Requirement integration

10. Storage and Warehousing (All food chain categories)

10. Transport, Storage and Warehousing (All food chain categories)

11. Hazard Control and Measures for Preventing Cross-contamination (Food chain categories C & I)

11. Hazard Control and Measures for Preventing Cross-contamination (All food chain categories, excluding FII)

12. PRP Verification (Food chain categories C, D, G, I & K)

12. PRP Verification (Food chain categories BIII, C, D, G, I & K)

13. Product Development (Food chain categories C, D, E, FI, I & K)

13. Product Design and Development (Food chain categories BIII, C, D, E, FI, I & K)

14. Health Status (Food chain category D)

14. Health Status (Food chain category D)


15. Equipment Management (All food chain categories, excluding FII)


16. Food Loss and Waste (All food chain categories, excluding I)


17. Communication Requirements (All food chain categories)

15. Requirements for Organizations with Multi-site Certification (Food chain categories A, E, FI & G)

18. Requirements for Organizations with Multi-site Certification (Food chain categories E, F & G)

2) Changes in food chain category

Changes in the food chain category include:





Primary production

A: Farming of animals


Category deletion (FSSC 22000)

B: Handling of plants

BIII: Pre-process handling of plants products

New subcategory

Processing food for humans and animals

C: Food manufacturing

C0: Animal – Primary conversion

New subcategory

D: Animal feed production


Integrate subcategory (DI, DII -> D)

Retail, transport and storage

F: Trading, retail, wholesale and E-commerce

FII: Brokering/Trading/E-commerce

New subcategory (FSSC 22000)

G: Transport and storage services)


Integrate subcategory (GI, GII -> G)

3) Other changes 
- As the criteria for calculating the audit duration change, the audit duration may change. Before proceeding with the audit, please be sure to fill out the application form updated to FSSC 22000 (Version 6) and ISO 22003-1:2022 and check the audit duration before proceeding with the audit.
- Multi-site sampling requirements has been updated.
- The FSSC 22000 audit report format will be changed to the format provided by FSSC.

2. Transition process

1) FSSC 22000 (Version 6)
Existing FSSC 22000 (Version 5.1) certified organizations can upgrade to Version 6 through surveillance/recertification audit from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.
The organizations that have not yet completed the surveillance/recertification audit in 2023 can proceed with the upgrade audit to Version 6 after conducting the audit for the corresponding cycle until March 31, 2024. If any of these organizations wish to maintain certification, they should conduct a surveillance/recertification audit before March 31, 2024 and then upgrade the standard by conducting an audit during the upgrade period. If the audit is not conducted by March 31, 2024, certification will be suspended.
All FSSC 22000 certificates that have not been upgraded to Version 6 will automatically be withdrawn after May 31, 2025.

2) ISO 22000:2018
As requirements for multisite sampling and audit time determination have changed in ISO 22003-1:2022, the organizations should submit application for the changes to be implemented by December 31, 2024. And the audit should be conducted according to the revised requirements by June 30, 2025.
If the application is not submitted or the transition audit is not conducted within this period, certification will be withdrawn



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